Whilst some pressure is good for us and can help us complete a task or reach a goal – too much pressure can lead to stress. This can have a negative impact on our wellbeing, ability to cope, our own safety, patient safety and life in general.

Try this at work

Try to organise your day differently or better – there’s a saying: “Failing to plan means planning to fail”.

• Prioritise – and delegate where appropriate.

• Take breaks.

• Say no – this is not always easy, but worth considering if possible.

• Plan a holiday.

• Raise concerns about your working environment with your RCN workplace rep.

For further information on what your employer should do to promote a healthy workplace see: rcn.org.uk/healthyworkplace 

Outside of work

• Exercise more.

• Eat a healthy diet.

• Communicate – talk to someone you trust about the causes of your stress or anxiety.

• Socialise with friends and family.

• Pamper yourself occasionally – you really do deserve it.

• Make time for you – find an hour or two each week to do something you enjoy.